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Thema: where to go?

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  1. #21
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Österreicher in NRW
    Jerusalem sounds exciting.... I have only been to Jordan, so the other side of the dead sea...
    I have no idea which is the best hospital or IF there is a best and IF your future chief will notice that, BUT he will surely notice that you have been abroad and not too many (I do not know one!) have been to Jerusalem.
    I have been to Cape Town, so I would argue this is not the safiest place either, but truely the most beautiful end of the world!!!!!!

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  2. #22
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    I wouldn't suggest the MHH, haven't had great experiences with the administration there (and I know I'm not the only one!).
    Geändert von canadianpumuckl (05.11.2010 um 13:33 Uhr)

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  3. #23
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    Went to Tel Aviv for a 2 months internship last year and didn´t see a single gun shot wound ;). Israel and the West Bank, however, are great for travelling and the people I worked with were absolutely awesome. And I actually hardly ever felt like being in one of the more insecure areas of the world. for sure the picture drawn by European media is not entirely true.

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  4. #24
    hmmm, yeah i think since Sharon built this wall seperating the two sides the number of suicide attacks went down drastically, there are more checkpoints and it became harder for militants to enter Israel. But this is surely no solution, the Palestinians are like living in cages...like animals blocked off from society Its unhuman and something must be done about it quickly.
    I hope i can go in one or two years for an internship to Jerusalem, i love ancient cities...Jerusalem has such a long history and there are so many religious sites i would like to visit. For over 3000 Years humans are fighting over this city, muslims, jews, christians etc. i want to know what all this fuss was all about
    But first I have to improve my language skills

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  5. #25
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Jerusalem is great! However, there are plenty of visitng students at Haddasah, shouldn´t be too difficult to get into the program!

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