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  1. #6
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    This is bullcrap. Never listen to any idiots who sit behind a table and act like if they knew things. They are only good for giving signatures on papers.

    You can do this Anpassungsjahr in any hospital you like. Just make sure that the Bundesärztekammer is okay with the hospital you choose, but I can hardly imagine any problems. If you want to do Internal Medicine, almost every hospital will be happy to "hire" you, because they all run out of residents, especially in regions like Mecklenburg.

    What I don't understand is your intention to do IM before Neurology. Why that? You can start with Neurology right away, there is no necessity to do IM before.

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  2. #7
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    This is bullcrap. Never listen to any idiots who sit behind a table and act like if they knew things. They are only good for giving signatures on papers.

    You can do this Anpassungsjahr in any hospital you like. Just make sure that the Bundesärztekammer is okay with the hospital you choose, but I can hardly imagine any problems. If you want to do Internal Medicine, almost every hospital will be happy to "hire" you, because they all run out of residents, especially in regions like Mecklenburg.

    What I don't understand is your intention to do IM before Neurology. Why that? You can start with Neurology right away, there is no necessity to do IM before.
    Hi John, I try to find any information about Approbation for non EU citizen doctor but I can not find any satisfying answer. Maybe you could help me.

    My question, is it true that to get an Approbation for non EU citizen doctor we have to do an exam?

    Thank you.

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  3. #8
    Diamanten Mitglied Avatar von SuperSonic
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    To get the Approbation as a non-EU citizen you have to be naturalised (become a German citizen). This is a fixed rule with very limited exceptions to it. According to someone from another forum, a possible exception is that you have acquired the Facharzt title and have worked in Germany for at least five years. In order to accomplish that you need to apply for the Berufserlaubnis first, so there is no way around it.


    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  4. #9
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    To get the Approbation as a non-EU citizen you have to be naturalised (become a German citizen). This is a fixed rule with very limited exceptions to it. According to someone from another forum, a possible exception is that you have acquired the Facharzt title and have worked in Germany for at least five years. In order to accomplish that you need to apply for the Berufserlaubnis first, so there is no way around it.

    Thank you SuperSonic. Its really help much to understand.

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
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