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  1. #11
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Wait. One by one. First of do u mean that I can take German course at Heilderberg University while not holding diploma equivalent to Abitur?
    Could u explain more clearly ur idea about Studienkolleg coz I honestly did not understand u
    Zitat Zitat von Healer Beitrag anzeigen
    As a Taijikistan graduate, I think you have 11 years there? Then you have to complete a Studienkolleg- year, where you also will get intensive german lessons. So you will probably have to do 1 year of german studies and 1 year studienkolleg before you can study, but you can do both there, and it can be shortened if you are good.

    This is for example the link from the centre in heidelberg: http://www.isz.uni-heidelberg.de/e_index.html

    There are also other similar centres in Germany...I think Marburg has one as well, and Berlin too.

    Good luck!

    P.S to get accepted into the studienkolleg should be relatively easy, especially with your grades. The medical schools look then at the final grades of the studienkolleg, but I know people, who also got a place in medical schools with a final grade of 2.0 (with 1.0 being the highest)

  2. #12
    Diamanten Mitglied
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    Elite ohne soziale Fähigkeiten
    Kopfloses Huhn
    I have many friends from Post-Soviet countries. Your High school is only for 11 years, in germany it is 12 years. You have to do that one year in Germany in order to get the equivalent of Abitur. Universities like Heidelberg have special colleges, where international students can do that one additional year of studies.

    The college is in german, and I do think you can study german there first, and then take the preparation year. For additional infos, I would recommend you to read through the page, and write an email or call to the Studienkolleg - I am sure they will be really happy to help you out!

    It might be of course, that you will have to study German first in your home country - I am not sure about that.

    Another good site for information is www.daad.de.

  3. #13
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I hv contact(both called and emailed) Heidelber university and did not get clear information. Could u help me to learn out about that college and German course?
    Zitat Zitat von Healer Beitrag anzeigen
    I have many friends from Post-Soviet countries. Your High school is only for 11 years, in germany it is 12 years. You have to do that one year in Germany in order to get the equivalent of Abitur. Universities like Heidelberg have special colleges, where international students can do that one additional year of studies.

    The college is in german, and I do think you can study german there first, and then take the preparation year. For additional infos, I would recommend you to read through the page, and write an email or call to the Studienkolleg - I am sure they will be really happy to help you out!

    It might be of course, that you will have to study German first in your home country - I am not sure about that.

    Another good site for information is www.daad.de.

  4. #14
    Diamanten Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    Been there, done that... there was no T Shirt
    Is there any specific question you want to ask...?

  5. #15
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Yeah is it possible to me to attend that specific college IF yes what are the requirements and how much will it cost?
    Zitat Zitat von Thomas24 Beitrag anzeigen
    Is there any specific question you want to ask...?

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