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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Dear friends,

    I am wondering how much is it for non-eu doctor chance to get into surgery training in Germany (weiterbildung). Spesificaly field like Herz-Thoraxchirurgie, and Neurochirurgie?

    I've been trying to apply for job by email for neurosurgery but the answer always like "sorry, we looking for doctor from eu country."

    One more thing, this is probably very basic question about work visa. If the employer accept us and sent the contract, do we still need to open deutsch bank account with 8.040 euros deposit?

    Thank you in advanced.

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  2. #2
    Diamanten Mitglied Avatar von SuperSonic
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    Just out of curiosity: Who said you need to open a bank account and deposit that (quite specific) amount of money?

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  3. #3
    Mitglied seit
    Zitat Zitat von Vallentino Beitrag anzeigen
    Dear friends,

    I am wondering how much is it for non-eu doctor chance to get into surgery training in Germany (weiterbildung). Spesificaly field like Herz-Thoraxchirurgie, and Neurochirurgie?

    I've been trying to apply for job by email for neurosurgery but the answer always like "sorry, we looking for doctor from eu country."

    One more thing, this is probably very basic question about work visa. If the employer accept us and sent the contract, do we still need to open deutsch bank account with 8.040 euros deposit?

    Thank you in advanced.
    First of all, applications for medical positions aren't usually made via E-Mail.

    You have to apply to an existing position (job offering).

    Secondly, BEFORE applying for any position, you have to get a German medical licence.
    When you have such one, you can apply normally.

    However, without proper German language skills, the chance of getting a job are ... well, zero.

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]

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