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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me by giving detailed information about practicing medicine in Germany, I graduated med school in Iraq the year of 2011 and I am now a permanent resident in Germany, I am currently in the process of getting my B2, but I want to know what lies ahead.

  2. #2
    Diamanten Mitglied Avatar von SuperSonic
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    Since you already took up residence in Germany, you should contact the Approbationsbehörde of your Bundesland for further information. Having graduated in a non-EU country, you will have to pass a Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung, but you might also be required to do a certain amount of supervised practical training in a hospital before you can apply for the Approbation.

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Since you already took up residence in Germany, you should contact the Approbationsbehörde of your Bundesland for further information. Having graduated in a non-EU country, you will have to pass a Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung, but you might also be required to do a certain amount of supervised practical training in a hospital before you can apply for the Approbation.
    thank you for your help :
    i live in nordrheinwestfallen bundesland . in iraq i worked only for four months as adoctor in surgery department after graduation . i want to ask you what do you mean by supervised practical training and approbation i did not these things understand .
    thanks alot in advance

  4. #4
    Diamanten Mitglied Avatar von SuperSonic
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    Approbation is the full medical licence (as opposed to the restricted Berufserlaubnis).

    You should contact the Bezirksregierung in your area for further information on the procedure in your specific case: http://www.brd.nrw.de/gesundheit_soz...d_-__rzte.html

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    thank you friend

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