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  1. #26
    Diffeldoffel Avatar von tarumo
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    From the Charite thread @pj-forum
    Zitat Zitat von roxolana Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich glaube, an der Charite selbst gibt es nur noch externe PJler. Die Einheimischen meiden den Laden wie die Pest.
    As for the conditions concerning salary, working conditions, financial situation and building conditions@Charite, check for yorself. last thing I heard last week that wealthy arabs are not coming anymore because it´s raining through the roof. Sounds like a bright future
    "An allem Unfug, der geschieht, sind nicht nur diejenigen schuld, die ihn begehen, sondern auch die, die ihn nicht verhindern"
    Erich Kästner, "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer"

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  2. #27
    Diffeldoffel Avatar von tarumo
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    Just a little update on the Charite
    Not sure if you can read if you aren´t a subscriber... Charite had to close children´s emergency room during nighttime and weekends from last week onwards due to a lack of physicians. In fact, according to the article, there a only eight (8) physicians off-duty due to long-known reasons like pregnancy, but the Charite (which should be among the largest hospitals in Germany) has either not the willingness nor the resources to replace that small number. Really sounds for brilliant resources to do research (haven´t heard such from Harvard etc..). If you are lucky, you could try and find some forum members from Charite to give you first-hand impression (as long as they have some spare time to go to Internet after work...)
    "An allem Unfug, der geschieht, sind nicht nur diejenigen schuld, die ihn begehen, sondern auch die, die ihn nicht verhindern"
    Erich Kästner, "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer"

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