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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Do you have any information about studying dental medicine in Germany after graduating from medical school in EU country? What are the steps? How many years? Do you have to study again anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, etc? Are you allowed to do a medical residency at the same time? Can you do a resideny in oral and maxillo-facial surgery?

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
  2. #2
    Diamanten Mitglied Avatar von SuperSonic
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    Zitat Zitat von nazelof Beitrag anzeigen
    Do you have any information about studying dental medicine in Germany after graduating from medical school in EU country?
    Do you speak any German at all?

    Zitat Zitat von nazelof Beitrag anzeigen
    What are the steps?
    Have the Approbationsbehörde of the Bundesland in which you wish to live and study officially recognise your EU-foreign medical degree and grant you the Approbation (= licence to practice medicine in Germany).
    More on the topic and a list of all Approbationsbehörden: http://www.bundesaerztekammer.de/aer...n-deutschland/ (in German)

    If you are an EU citizen, you can apply for a place to study dentistry just like a German applicant would, through the Hochschulstart portal.
    http://hochschulstart.de/index.php?id=8 (in German)
    However, you will be enrolled in the very first semester like everyone else. Whether your university is willing to admit you to any advanced courses before due time is entirely up to them.

    Alternatively or simultaneously you could have the appropriate Prüfungsamt acknowledge your foreign medical studies to enable you to apply directly at a university for a placement in a higher semester. With the free capacities in higher semesters being very limited, though, the chances of success are quite slim.

    Zitat Zitat von nazelof Beitrag anzeigen
    Do you have to study again anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, etc?
    No. There is an exact list of lectures and courses a medical doctor needs to attend in § 61 ZÄPrO.

    Zitat Zitat von nazelof Beitrag anzeigen
    Are you allowed to do a medical residency at the same time?
    In theory yes, in practice you won't have enough spare time in between the week-long practical courses in dentistry to do a "proper" medical residency (as opposed to just work part-time somewhere to make a living).

    Zitat Zitat von nazelof Beitrag anzeigen
    Can you do a resideny in oral and maxillo-facial surgery?
    Only after being granted the Approbation (see above) in both Medizin and Zahnmedizin, i. e. after completing the dental medical studies.

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
  3. #3
    Z.n. Studium Avatar von *milkakuh*
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    How to get in depends from where you are from.
    You can find information on the internet (every University has there own home page).

    Usually you don't have to attend again all subjects but for further information you should definitely contact your prefered University.

    You are allowed to do a medical residency at the same time. But of course it's not possible to do a full-time-job.

    Most important is to speak German fluently. Without good knowledge in German language it won't be possible to get in Medschool and also it won't be possible to do a medical residency here.

    Good luck!

    Edit: SuperSonic was first; really good answer/summary!

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]

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