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  1. #1
    MEDI-LEARN Redaktionsteam
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    I'm posting this in the name of Justas Žilinskas, a med student from Lithuania:


    Dear fellow surgery enthusiasts,

    I am Justas Zilinskas, medical student of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Together with Hampus Holmer we have an idea to create Global Network for Surgical Student Societies. The detail information is on forwarded e-mail.

    If you or your friends are interested in surgery, please share & reply ( [email protected] ) to the questions below.

    Thank you very much!

    Looking forward to global collaboration,

    Best regards,
    Justas Žilinskas
    Board member of Students Scientific Society
    Lithuanian University Of Health Sciences
    [email protected]

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Hampus Holmer <[email protected]>
    Date: 2013/8/11
    Subject: Global Network for Surgical Student Societies
    To: Hampus Holmer <[email protected]>

    Dear fellow surgery enthusiasts,

    My name is Hampus Holmer and I am a Swedish medical student truly passionate about surgery. For this reason, I recently founded Sweden's first surgical students' society in Lund, Sweden.
    Doing research for this led me to discover that there are an amazing number of surgical societies around worldwide, and I realized that I wanted to try to connect these wonderful societies through a Global Network for Surgical Student Societies.

    Such a network could serve several purposes:
    - provide a web-page with updated information about all affiliated surgical societies, including contact information
    - encourage resource sharing via the web-page or other suitable solution, of resources such as ideas on events, recorded lectures, readings etc.
    - support the formation of new societies where there are none yet
    - spread information about events for surgical student societies as well as encourage the creation of new national and international events
    - expand the theme of surgery for medical students to include global aspects of surgical care ("global surgery", "surgery as public health")

    This should all be done with a minimal amount of effort for each surgical society (hopefully even a decreased amount of work as we collaborate), to ensure that we can all focus on what we really love: surgery!

    At this point, the network is still just an idea and I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Please spread this message to any other surgical student societies that you know (or in case you have already left your society, please forward it to the current leadership) and reply with your comments as soon as possible.

    Answer however you wish, but a few questions that you could consider specifically are:
    1) Do you think this is a good idea?
    - Would your society join such a Network today?
    - Will it be helpful for your society?
    2) What do you think the network should focus on (do you have any additions to the list above)?
    3) Would you or anyone you know like to help out with the creation of the network?

    Depending on the replies, we might start working on setting up the network in the fall.

    Thank you,

    Hampus Holmer
    Global Surgery Research Associate
    Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, Harvard Medical School
    Boston Children's Hospital
    M.D. Candidate 2016
    Lund University, Sweden
    e-mail: [email protected]
    phone (SE): +46 (0) 703 26 60 42
    phone (US): +1 (415) 706-6104


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  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von TerryLewis
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    I'm a member of Association for Surgical Education since 2015 in America. My surgical research started later, in 2017, when I finished the Teaching Scholars Program. There's also a list of Surgical specialty societies, you can find them here and contact directly (each of those organizations has an official website):

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von TerryLewis
    Mitglied seit

    I'm a member of Association for Surgical Education since 2015 in America. My surgical research started later, in 2017, when I finished the Teaching Scholars Program. There's also a list of Surgical specialty societies, you can find them here and contact directly (each of those organizations has an official website): https://www.facs.org/surgeons/surgic...alty-societies

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Mitglied seit
    Hello, at least I found the one I need. My older brother will be interested in it. That's for sure. Moreover, I think it's a great ideat to share a personal experience.
    Don't put commercial links in your signature or you will be kicked out

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]

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